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[2022] Large-scale Biped Robot with Hybrid Leg mechanism

작성자 사진: Kevin GimKevin Gim

최종 수정일: 2023년 5월 11일

2022, Kinetic Intelligent Machine Lab

This work presents our implementation of a large-scale biped robot utilizing Hybrid Leg, a 6 DoF serial-parallel mechanism, having lightweight structure, high payload and large workspace. We set our design goal to make a biped robot taller than an average human height. By applying the Hybrid mechanism and design optimization, the robot was built with a height of 1.84m and a weight of 29.05kg. The implemented robot is able to be actuated by the servo motors used in the smaller humanoid robot. The mechanical design of the robot is explained in detail and kinematics analysis is conducted for analytical solutions. Through multi-body dynamics simulations, the proposed robot design and its performance are verified. In addition, the preliminary performance evaluations for the robot hardware are conducted for a squat experiment and in-place walking experiment.

조회수 27회댓글 0개

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