2017 Disney Research
Ha, Sehoon, et al. "Computational co-optimization of design parameters and motion trajectories for robotic systems." The International Journal of Robotics Research 37.13-14 (2018): 1521-1536.
Tetrabot was developed for a research project in Disney Research, "Computational co-optimization of design parameters and motion trajectories for robotic systems"
Based on the model created by the proposed algorithm, I designed and fabricated the spherically symmetric quadruped robot.
The body frame and legs were printed using Stratasys Objet260 Connex6 with VeroWhitePlus and VeroClearPlus materials. An Intel UpBoard 1.92 GHz controller and a 16.8 V, 4,000 mA lithium-ion battery are enclosed in the body. Each leg is actuated by four Dynamixel XM-430 W-350 servos.
Using a slip ring, the leg joints attached to the body frame can rotate infinite rotation without concern of twisted wires.
As demonstrated in the above videos the legs can make infinite rotation stably.
Walking motion of Tetrabot